CCTV spotlight! Infrastructure heat in excavator index

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Update time : 2023-11-08

Since the beginning of this year, China's infrastructure investment has accelerated, becoming an important support for economic growth. On June 29, CCTV's "News 30 Minutes" aired a special report on "Leading Indicators to see the Trend", looking at China's infrastructure heat through the Sany Excavator index.

Infrastructure heat in excavator index

On the root cloud platform of the "cross-industry and cross-field Industrial Internet platform" of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 67.15%, which is the construction machinery operating rate in May this year, is also the most important indicator in the excavator index. From March to May, despite the impact of the epidemic, the indicators remained stable and maintained a slight increase.

Wang Jinxia, excavator index analyst: Due to the improvement of the epidemic prevention and control situation, including the intensive introduction of investment policies in some countries, the construction machinery operating rate data continues to increase, reflecting the continuous recovery of large-scale engineering construction projects and the continuous release of demand.

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